Baby Massage
Baby massage classes help you to enhance a parent's bonding and communication with your baby. The massage strokes are taught over 5 sessions and there is time during the session to get to know other parents with young baby's. Massaging your baby has also been shown to help relax parent and baby and help with a baby's circulation and with gas/wind/constipation relief. We also learn gentle movements which encourage your baby to find their arms and legs. We will aim at the end of the course for the group to have their own whatsapp group and to continue meeting as a group of friends.
The baby massage course is for babies under 1 year old. The optimal age range is 2-6 months but all babies are welcome, an older baby will need some adaptions to keep them occupied.
Baby massage classes are currently held on Zoom.
To see course dates and to book please follow this link and use the "Book Now" buttons on that page. If you would like to discuss the course or hypnobirthing then please contact us.
Private courses can be offered in your own home for individuals or groups of friends, eg an NCT group. If you are interested then please contact us for more details and prices.